Download DelivMeds App
Step 1: Download the DelivMeds app, create your account, ask your doctor to send your prescription to “DelivMeds” pharmacy (e-Prescribe #5744481), and choose your preferred pharmacy.
Login, Confirm, & Save
Step 2: Login and review your prescription. Select the pharmacy that provides the best value & delivery/shipping based on total time to order, distance, and availability.
Receive Your Medications
Step 3: New prescriptions, transfers, and refills are available for same day pickup, same day or next day delivery, or 1-2 days shipping. *Order time is based on pharmacy availability.*
Why use DelivMeds?
Free to download, free to use, sign-up today! Delivery is free for a short period of time, take advantage of it. You pay for nothing more than your typical copay.
Manage all household Prescriptions.
Request refills and process payments from
the App. Finally, an easy and convenient
way to manage your prescriptions.
Getting your medications wherever you
are and whenever! Get relief from the
pressures and anxiety that can surface if
you need more flexibility.
New Prescriptions with DelivMeds
For new prescriptions, simply ask your doctor to send your prescription to “DelivMeds” pharmacy (e-Prescribe #5744481). This gives you the power to better manage your prescription and medication regimen. Your DelivMeds digital wallet allows you to add and manage additional family members too!
Refill Reminders with DelivMeds
Don’t stress over refills ever again! Our system makes it easy to add and manage your prescriptions. Receive reminders when it’s time to confirm your next refill and get it the same day.
Prescription Savings with DelivMeds
Save up to 80% on cash prescriptions using the Rx Discount Cards. Search for pharmacies that are closer to you. We make it easy to save on prescriptions so that you can focus on your health!

Recruiting All Pharmacies
We are working to establish the DelivMeds Pharmacy Network.
Get your meds delivered to you quickly and conveniently.
DelivMeds Pharmacy Partners click this link here!
Request to enroll in the network.